The past six months I have researched sports and ASD, and the availability of programs in our small community with the hopes to enrol Mr C in some form of physical activity.
Two sports have stood out. Gymnastics and martial arts (particularly teakwondo).
So after a good twelve months convincing MOTH that some form of martial arts would be good for Mr C, and he would learn restraint NOT just killing skills, plus the fact the local group were offering a month of trial lessons free, he finally agreed to let him try it, with the condition Miss M join him.
Now Miss M has been involved with a couple of activities over the years - dance for 3 years, gymnastics for a year and has never really stuck with it, loosing interest after a term or two, with mum pushing for it to continue. The final straw was a broken arm mid last year and mums lack of strength to push her on... But again we thought that teakwondo might be a new thing for her to try.... So she joined us!!! So did Bub.
So all 5 head down to class with high expectations. Mind you only the two were planning on joining in ;).
The first 2 mins of warm ups went well. Proud of my munchkins.... But then the yelling started!!! Whomever wrote that martial arts was great for kids living with ASD forgot the sensory issues with hearing, and so did I!!!! He came running with hands over ears to Mum and Dad and asked that Mim cover his ears. After about 5 mins he told Daddy he needed to go.... And that was the end of that!!! While I watched Miss M, Daddy took bub and Mr C walking.
Move forward an hour. The kicking starts. Mr C returns and thinks kicking someone might be fun... So races up to a complete adult stranger and kicks her!!!! Omg!!!!! So embarrassing!!!!! Then yelling starts and he runs outside again and waits for class to finish....
As for Miss M, she, although a bit stiff and sore, enjoyed the session. She actually started to look coordinated by the end - so we will try again next week ....
And Bub??? Once out of the pram at home started to kick the air!!! Lol. She has a pretty mean high kick. Hehe
My point of the story tonight is that no matter what you read, how well you research, no one can tell you what is best for your child. You have to be flexible and tolerant. We have not given up. Next week I will give him ear plugs and try again ..... Besides, there is a slim chance mummy might join in ;)