Wednesday, 5 February 2014

It's a good thing.....

As a parent I am ALWAYS concerned about the welfare of all three of my beautiful children, but when it comes to Mr C… I am stressed to the max!!!!

After such an eventful, trumatic and stressful time for our family last year, and Mr C’s struggles with Kindy – yeah – I was totally maxed out about prep. I mean seriously…. 5 days a week???  So many changes??? So many kids during breaks?????  Yep – Mummy was in STRESS CITY!!!!

Of course we did the social stories, the pictures, the preparation, the meetings with staff, the uniform try ons, the new shoes (OMG they are BLACK!!!), the discussions with professionals about lunch boxes…. All the things we need to do when big changes are happening in his and our lives…. BUT did that relieve Mummies anxieties???? Ha – not a chance…

What did I forget???  Who else do I need to contact?? Did I name everything??? What if he gets lost?? Will he make friends?? Will he punch someone??? On and on.  I am a worrywart!!!

So cute on his first day

First day…. We survived, apart from losing a hat.
Second day…. We survived - hat found!!!

Third day…. He is starting to feel comfortable… watch out for sand flying in the sandpit!!!

Forth day….. Let’s chat about his fourth day….

The fourth day was a Friday, and at his school they hold a combined group “assembly”.  So about 70 or so (my guess) kids in one room.  They sing songs, listen to a message and sing some more.  And parents are welcome to attend.  So I did.  Why? 
  • Different activity in his already new routine
  • Noise.  Lots of noise.
  • Music – why? He loves soft music and the occasional (his favourites) loud music, but a live musical instrument through a PA system can and often does stress him
  • New room.  Although he had been in the room last year, this was a new activity being held in this room.
  • Lots and lots of people – this means noise (yep covered that one), smells, touching etc etc
  • Tired – already been a long week.
So I attended fully prepared to grab him and take him outside if he started stressing.  I arrived early, so was seated before he came in with his class.  I was so proud of him walking in holding hands with his teacher at the head of the line – he looked so grown up.  My little man.  He saw me and I received a huge smile.  One of those heart melting ones. He stayed with his class and quietly sat where his teacher ask him to – right at the start of the line.  Assembly began…

A welcome and songs.  He loves to sing.  He handled the songs.  He stood and sat when he was told and then the message began……

……And the shaking began……

…..first the head……

….then the rocking started…..

…….back and forth……

…….side to side……..

And I was ready!  On the edge of my seat.  Ready to go to him….


A VISUAL OIL TIMER APPEARED in his hand!!!! I started to breathe again. 

This is one of his sensory tools.  He tends to focus on the oil drops and the world disappears.  NORMALLY – not this time. He had to show the little guy next to him and the nudging and rocking started again.  I was back on the edge of the chair.

A MINI BEAN BAG APPEARED.  The kind kids throw at the hoop…


He started to throw it in the air and his teacher sat on the floor next to him, gently guiding his hands back to his lap.  She stayed with him for the rest of the message (which seemed like an eternity to me) and he was happy!!!!


After the assembly he ran to me for a quick “tight squeeze” before returning to his class with his friends and awesome teacher.

After all the stresses and concerns and plans… it does not matter how many times you explain or suggest, an educator will only do what they are capable or concerned about.  I found that out last year. 

BUT this year is off to a good start.  A few signs that put me at rest:
  1. At the start of the line – walking in and sitting down.  He had some space.
  2. When the shaking and rocking started – the staff were prepared.  
  3. They had listen to my concerns and had 2 things I had mentioned to assist his sensory needs. 
  4. Her gentle guiding hand.  Instead of control – guidance. 
  5. And finally – she let him come to me for a squeeze. ;)

Yes my anxiety has lessened – still there – will always be there – but at least I know he is in caring compassionate hands while at school.  I know there will be incidents (still none ;) – yet), but we are off to a good start.  And yes – the teacher received a huge thank you in his communication book for her awesome assistance and support.

And so the year begins..........

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