Thursday, 20 February 2014

Do up your buckle!!!!!

Because this issue came up on our local Community Facebook forum… I thought I would share some more!!!!  Plus I am in a ‘venting’ moment ;)
This was my response re a child not restraint in a seat:

“I have held my tongue on this one but have decided to respond. My son is diagnosed with ASD (Autism) and one of his many issues is the sense of touch. Wearing a seat belt actually HURTS him. This has been an ongoing issue since he was a baby. We have never been able to keep him "buckled up" and yes we have tried all sorts of things to remedy this, including 2 years of therapy and devices. While on short trips I am very guilty of not doing up his seat belt and do my best to have him sit in his seat, but often this struggle becomes an out pour of emotion from him and he crawls on the floor of the back seat, screaming in pain and fear...... I would also like to point out that no- it was not me you saw during the time frame you posted. HOWEVER - you do not know if there was extra-ordinary circumstances surrounding this. But so quick to judge. Unfortunately its happening a lot in the town which saddens me when it goes hand in hand with the amazing generosity we have seen of late. So my question is back at you - would you knowingly cause a child actual real pain OR risk their safety?? Its a hard question. Please STOP judging!!!

I am not going to get all psycho on the judging issue here - but let’s look at seat belts in more detail!!!

Since a baby he has never been able to handle wearing straps, even backpacks were something to fear.  We of course had the baby capsule when Mr C was younger and then he moved up into a baby seat.  For some reason he ALWAYS managed to get the shoulder straps off.  We would pull up, fix and tighten and before we got back in the car again, it would be off again!!!  It makes a 2 hour trip to Toowoomba very long!!!!

Then he out grew the baby seat and into a child seat.  We started with a harness, which of course never stayed buckled!!!  We put the paper cup trick over the latch – but no fooling him…. beside he always use to eat the cup....hehehehe

We even tried this.... but he would just crawl out of the seatbelt!!!
Product available at

To now – still in a child seat but we can, and often he will himself, buckle up!! This has taken a huge amount of effort and time and therapy.

There are of course exceptions.

After school and after a shopping trip – he has been so over powered with sensory input – having the belt on will still cause major meltdowns.  Occasionally we have been able to do the threat/bribe thing and it might work ie. “Put the buckle in so we can go to ‘donalds’”, “we can’t go shopping until your seat-belt is on”, “put it on now or I will stop and you can get OUT!!!” lol. Other times we are thankful he sits in his seat.

When it’s a long trip out of town – we have an action plan.  Most of it is distraction.  Check out my “Yep it’s traveling” post.  But still there are time when I hear the cry from Miss M – “Connors got his belt off AGAIN!!!” – normally followed by a huge SIGH!!!

It is a hard choice – cause pain or keep safe.  I am hoping one day our local police will pull us up and give him a ride to the little room (although I don’t want the fine!!!).  It might just scare him enough… or he might enjoy the ride too much!!!!


(For more ideas and tips to try if your little one has ‘unbuckling issues’:

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