Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Go Blue 2014

Tomorrow is April 2nd and is recognised worldwide as “Autism Awareness Day”.  I had prepared a very long blog for this years “Go Blue Day” but changed my mind about posting just yet ;). Instead – let me introduce myself……

Hi – my name is Debbie (obviously). I am a wife, mother, community service worker, sister, daughter, aunt, nerd, blogger, small business owner, facebook crazy and animal lover.

And I have a son who lives with Autism. 

I am very vocal about his diagnosis both face to face and online with facebook plus my blog.  And if you get me started – I can talk all day about the topic!  I am no expert – but do love to share the information and experiences we have lived.  Someone recently asked me if I thought my “labelling” would be to Mr C’s detriment now and later in life.  It got me thinking…. And the simple answer is NO! But it did get me thinking about why I am so vocal….

Firstly – there is a lot of misconception about Autism.  “Rain Man” & “Mercury Rising” are 2 films that come to mind, and of course the wonderful Sheldon from “Big Bang”. In all seriousness no two cases of Autism are the same. The more information we share and solutions we find to issues, the better the world will be for kids like Mr C. 

Secondly - I believe there are a lot of kids out there, and adults too, who need support but are not yet diagnosed.  If our story reaches just one of these people to gain assistance then it’s worth it J

And finally – for the families who live with Autism. It’s not as rare as you may think. And when you first get the “diagnosis” it can be scary, overwhelming and although you have found some answers it just leads to more! You are not alone. There is a whole community out there that just “gets it” and you don’t need to hide. We understand and support each other.

So – I could go on and on about the “issues” Mr C faces and how it effects our family – but won’t.  Instead – please feel free to comment, ask me a question or message me. 

“Go Blue” tomorrow and post some “blue selfies”.  Let make the world aware……

<3 o:p="">

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