I am a mother of three beautiful children. Each with their unique personalities, skills, talents and yes challenges. I am writing today's blog for a reason. I come here to journal. To tell a story. To share with the hopes that people will gain an understanding, raise awareness and most importantly to relate to other mums who may have a child that see the world from a different prospective, so we can learn from each other, support, and especially assist other kids and their families.
And now, "finally", I hear some of you breathe a sigh of relief, I need to take some of my own advice.
After conversations with family, friends, and tonight, MOTH, I realise I can not ignore this any longer and I need to start down the road, again.....
I starting taking blogging a bit more seriously when we started the journey with Mr C. Our learning curves and records of the exciting developments are a great read for me to go back through. To see the achievements, celebrate the "wins"....
When Miss M was first diagnosed with ODD, my initial reaction was here we go again... New strategies, new learning curve. I will honestly say that ASD is an easier journey. We have not yet found the support we need for Miss M, the strategies or plan. Medication has not worked. Therapy not helpful. We are ongoing with seeking answers to even more questions. I have not blogged much on this topic, but I think I should. I think I spend all my energy on the fight. It's really not a good place, and it's emotionally exhausting.
During this time our beautiful bub has tagged along. Providing joy, smiles, laughter. Her speech has been delayed and we started therapy several months ago. We are seeing slow, very slow, improvement.
For years we have had people ask us if we need to watch for "traits" since we had no understanding of ASD when Mr C was little and how verbal I am about early intervention.... I of course said yes - we have a better understanding but I don't see any of the issues we faced with Mr C.
Occasionally someone will mention the way she reacts to loud noises (doesn't every child??), or the patterns she creates (everyone loves patterns...), the delayed speech (come on - she is the third child after all), the tantrums (ever heard of the terrible 2s?? Non verbal causes frustration too) and still I didn't see it.....
Until tonight.
I have been not wanting to go down this road, but after a week of this child not sleeping (yes again tonight) something clicked. Mind you when MOTH came home from work and commented on the rug carrying and hiding under blankie, the rocking that has just started (OMG!!!!), the fights and melt downs when the TV is turned off (focus much?), the impossible potty training, it all came together.
Once we sat down for a serious discussion more facts came to light. Routine. A very strict routine. Non stop tantrums (not quite the head splitting events Mr C achieved but she is getting close), the eating - getting harder and harder to get her to sit and eat a meal... It's starting to add up.
Have I ever mentioned if you have met a child living with ASD, you have met ONE child living with ASD!!!
I have stated before I am not an expert, and this is OUR story - every child is unique, living with special needs or not!!! Mmmmm - I forgot that statement included the three children we live with.
This is not a place I want to go. But I do know that we, and she, are better knowing if/what we might be dealing with. One way or another.
I am away next week for a work conference. I love this time away, in fact it's the recharge I need, believe it or not!!! Next month is already busy....
Mr C has a paediatrician review and psychologist visit in Toowoomba.
Miss M also visits the paediatrician. A GP appointment to set up a new Mental Health plan (which is always a battle) for us to see a NEW psychologist PLUS her foot has been hurting her again....
Bub has her ongoing speech therapy and we have referrals in place for OT and physio ( thanks to the speech therapist for suggesting... Did she pick up something I missed???). Now it looks like a trip to the child health nurse for some serious discussions.....
Oh and did I mention I work full time??? Lol
I don't know if I can do this..... I am tired just thinking about it.
The only thing that keeps me on track at the moment and the courage to face this, what ever "this" may be, Is seeing the positive benefits from Mr C's early intervention. We recently went out for coffee and he was the best behaved child of the 3.
Kinda says it all doesn't it? Wish us luck.....
Finished your cuppa??
Think it's time for something stronger....
Finished your cuppa??
Think it's time for something stronger....
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