Thursday, 16 April 2015

So tired :(

I am done. Miss M is beyond out of control. If you don't witness it, you would not believe it. Settle in... It's a long one.....

Firstly - This child is not wanting for anything. 

An example.... Pillows. I know it's a stupid thing, but does she have 2, or even 3???? I honesty have no idea how many she has stashed. About 9. And at the first opportunity she will take any off other people's beds. We are all down to one pillow (if it's a good day) as she has them ALL!!! And it's a fight to get them back. 

Let's talk electronics. She has an iPad mini. She can't go anywhere without it. She also has been begging for an iPod. Since I have upgraded my iPhone I told her if she does her chores she can have it to use as an iPod (no sim). 2 months and I still fight daily with her to do the simplest of chores ie feed her cats. She also "claimed" my mini computer/tablet. Not that she uses it much as she has broken the charger and I refuse to give her another. I do charge it once a week and she will use it til the battery runs out. NOW she want an iPad so she has a larger screen. Like HELL!!!! Even came up with a plan of a reward chart to "earn" it. HA!!! I think not!!!!!!

Ok I can hear you thinking.... These are all "things", what about giving her time, love and attention....  Let's talk about this!!!!

The only way to describe it is an attention sucker..... I used to take her out, just her and I, for a girls afternoon tea. You know - sit, chat, milkshake etc. I attempted to do this once a week with her for about an hour or so. She had my full attention. I was sick one planned time and explained to her that we would have to miss it that week. WELL I was the worse mum ever. Accused of not loving her, breaking my promises, being a bitch, never giving her time etc etc etc. so that was that. I stopped doing it. 

Any quality time we spend together is not enough. If I spend an hour with her she wants 2. 

These school holidays I planned to set up a box of activities for the kids that we could do together. I purchased canvases, paints, new brushes, craft bits, glue, specialty paper etc etc etc. She helped choose everything. Once we got home we set up paints in pallets, tables outdoors (table and chairs for each child so no sharing had to be involved!!!). She started a "project" while we were all sitting quietly but "messed it up", so started another. We cleaned up everything after about 15 mins. That's how long the interest held. The next day, while I was at work, she started a new project on every item. No cleaning up. Keep in mind the 2 younger children love art, but without supervision tend to get into mischief. I now have painted tables, walls, etc etc, and after asking her to clean up/pick up I am still finding paint brushes in the yard!!! And why does she have to do the clean up?? Oh I am so unfair... Not asking the other children. It's simple. She got it all out and walked away....

And now - it's all packed away again. 

So common are the following phrases in our home....
- Did you get....out??? Then put it away!!!
- Is this where your dirty clothes go?? Then put them in the basket!
- Who has the pencils out? Well now miss S has drawn on the walls... Pick them up!!!
- Where did you put the TV remote??? Oh - it wasn't you??? How come the TV is on your channel???
- Who left the half cup of drink on the table? Well now it's tipped all over the clean, folded clothes you haven't put away!

The list goes on and on. 

And then it's the whole "please do...." And the NO replies we get. What child says no to their parents??? 

Consequences of actions (or lack of actions..)

Time outs??? Nope. Doesn't work. A time out will cause damaged walls, doors from slamming, and actually put the other children in harms way....

Removing her privileges ie iPad..... As above.... Plus the barrage of no one loves me etc. Or the cancellation of an outing.... "You never keep your promises" etc. she is awesome at laying on the guilt trip. 

So reward charts - Yep tried them. When she was about 2 1/2 she had a sticker chart. Once she had 10 stars she could choose a prize. Worked great until she started bargaining for stars.... "I will clean my room for 3 stars mummy or I won't do it". "One star to clean your room or a star will be taken off!" .... After a month of not achieving a single chart of stars, I gave up. It worked for about 2 months. 

Routine charts? Ha. Tried it. Nope. 

Keep in mind this is a 10 year old child and this has been going on for approx 8 years. Before the other children came along - so is this just sibling rivalry??? Oh it goes so much deeper. 

Mr C was showing me some of his movies he made (he loves filming himself) and one showed exactly Miss M's behaviour towards him. Happily filming himself she walked up and put a can of cat food in his face. Knowing his sensitivity to smells.... Really??? So yes he reacted. Yelled at her. Called out to mum who intervened. Once mum left she proceeded to kick him - again he reacted. The she blamed him for the beat down she received from him. Of course mum played favourites and told her off!!!! All on video. Can't wait to show that to the psychologist!!

The lack of respect for her belongings and others drives me insane!!! I will often find a treasured item ruined because she got it out then walked away leaving it for the other children. She was given an amazing makeup kit for Christmas this year and we made a "spot" to hide it from her baby sister who also loves the makeup. The lipsticks lasted 2 days until it was left out.  Poor Miss S suffered the consequences... the whole "I hate having a sister/brother" phrase comes out quite often. Plus the "wish they would die"....

Another year (she was about 4) Santa brought her a leapster. This was before the iPad. I was constantly checking where she left it. Asking her to pick it up, put it away, don't take it outside etc etc. When we found it one day (after it rained) in the back yard, she was told she would not be getting another. Her response... "Well you didn't pay for it! Santa gave it to me!!"  That was the last year Santa gave her an expensive gift. ;) 

Perhaps I made this bed. Perhaps this is payback for me being a brat of a kid. Perhaps I spoilt her. 

BUT what really breaks my heart is the fact I KNOW this is not HER!!!! 

It is not ALL bad. When she chooses she can be amazing!!! I witness it here at home, when SHE wants. I hear it from places she visits - how polite and gentle she is. From the school - she is an angel. 

Yes we are seeking professional assistance to work out why this is happening. Paediatrician says ODD. Medication did not help. Just starting with a new psychologist... I hope we find answers. I pray there is a better way. 

No wonder why mummy is stressed, frustrated, often angry, depressed and ready to give up....

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