Thursday, 12 September 2013

3 things....

I was not going to post tonight - been  huge week with one more day to go... but think this is becoming a habit for me to let it out... so here goes :)

Today I attended a seminar with Sue Larkey, Dr Tony Attwood and Michelle Garnett.  The information they gave us was amazing.  I am not going to write a blog about it tonight - as I am still trying to digest all the information, however they did share one thing that leads me to the physical/metal/emotional exhaustion I am facing right now (apart from the traveling ;) )

There are 3 things we can say or do that our ASD kids do not like and will for SURE set them off...


No kidding.  

Well - as I mentioned at the recent visit to our Psychologist (Blog: Yep it's Traveling...) we discussed offering a reward for completing his routine chart, but with a twist. The reward has to be something ongoing - a part of a bigger picture so to speak.  She suggested money, but since his understanding of money is limited we decided this would not work.  So what is a currency he understands??  TRANSFORMERS!!!  

So first night of completing his chart (last night) - he was to get ONE piece of a new transformer. Yeah - like that would work.  Serious melt down - why???  "NO you can't have the rest" and "you have to WAIT 5 days for all the pieces", and finally the CHANGE??? A new part of the routine.  NOT GOOD.  So yes - I caved and gave him all the transformer.  It was either that or repair the holes in walls and broken windows.

After some discussion with one of my support team (My Mum), we decided that perhaps a sticker chart working up to the toy might work better.  Well today at the workshop was an awesome tool I thought would be perfect.  A "dot" chart with 5 dots.  Do the routine chart for one day - move the dot.  Once you have all 5 dots moved - it's prize time!!!!  AWESOME!!!

Connors Night Time Routine Chart & the dot reward card.
When he completes a task it goes in the "Finished" bag....

Seriously - will I never learn??? No you can't have the prize now. Wait til you have 5 dots. Yet another change.....  How is it any different to last night?? It's not.  So why did I expect a different result?? No idea!!!!

So after major melt down again I agreed I would take him to McDonald's TOMORROW, not after 5 dots.

Back to the drawing board.  I will continue the routine charts - but WITHOUT THE REWARDS!!!

Perhaps I need to start smaller.  Shorter time frame???  5 small chores???  

Tomorrow is another day...

On a brighter note - I was interviewed by ABC rural radio today about the Disability Action Week activities we have organized in our home town tomorrow.... so I had best get some sleep.... BIG day tomorrow :)

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