Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Melt Downs - the reality

This is the Facebook post that promoted the blog....

4 Sept 2013
A day in the life of Connor. I don't often post "real" but share what others post, pictures etc. But here it goes - the "reality". 
What a melt down is... tonight after throwing his food at us, then demanding, screaming he wanted more, then not sharing, in fact shoving Shylah viciously away from his toys... we got to melt down time. dug his heels in not to go to a bath... so physically carrying him, kicking and screaming to the bath room - he collapsed into a heap on the floor. 
 Screaming all the time, banging his head on the tiled floor repeatedly THIS is a melt down. 
Thankfully this does not happen everyday now. 
THIS used to be a 3-5 time a day event. And what actually caused this shocking behavior??? Could be a noise he heard, something different he ate, a smell, a touch, a color.... It could be a reaction from traveling (he does not travel well) LAST Wednesday. We don't know what turns our beautiful boy into this monster that you cannot discipline or console. 
That is the reality we live with. 

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