Our recent trips to Toowoomba have been to see a Behavioral Psychologist. This was suggested to us back when Connor was diagnosed but I have put it off for several reasons. One reason was due to distance (and the travel issues) plus I did not really understand what a "Behavioral Psychologist" actually does! Besides - we have been going to and from with so many appointments I don't think adding another to the list would have helped - I could barely remember what I have to do from half of them!!!!
Since Connors behavior at Kindy was getting progressively worse, the teacher suggested we take the plunge and book ourselves in and see the pysc. So I did (just to shut her up lol) and wish I had earlier!!!
Our first visit 10 days ago was a basic history collecting session. But she asked some questions I had not been asked before relating to my pregnancy and delivery of Connor, and working up from there.
Our main concern and reason for the appointment was of course his less often but more violent out bursts. Her immediate reaction was yes - that is a concern. He should be have more outbursts less violent. Strange I thought. We have been trying to have less melt downs!!! The reasoning behind this is he is "suppressing". If you can imagine a safety valve that releases steam regularly - and if it got blocked - the whole thing would blow. Well that's our little man. So we were sent home with a sensory profile questionnaire for both us at home and the kindy to fill in to bring back.
Anyways after a week of GRRRRRRR from him (nice terms :)), off we go again.
When asked how has he been - well!!!! You can just imagine my reply!!!! And I also stated that we don't know if it has been the travelling, kindy, end of term tiredness or something else that has set him off. After one look at the sensory forms - here is what we got (in short)....
He has hearing, touch, smell and vision sensory issues. (Yep - we guessed that). He also has social interaction issues (not sharing was a big giveaway on this one) and central nervous system (movement, balance and equilibrium) issues (did not know this one!!). So to break it down - like she had to for me ;):
Starting with travel. Think about it - the road noise, car motor, other cars, sirens, car stereo, other peoples movements and sounds, etc etc etc. Seeing the moving roadside, traffic coming and going, lights from oncoming cars. "Look at the cow Connor. Look at the truck Connor. How many horses can you count Connor?" ... Smelling the truck fumes, people in the car... The constant unbalancing and movement and turning and stopping and going...
ALL baring down on him.
And he can't escape!!!
He is trapped in the car!!!
No wonder why when he gets out he goes crazy!!! All he want's to do is RUN!! Poor little man. The torture we have been subjecting him to over the years!!!
So solutions: Sunglasses. Headphones. iPad to focus on (without the "look out the window Connor" from us!!! - And believe me THAT'S HARD!!!). And regular breaks for him to run. Tried some of this on the way home - and yeah... he seem to coping so far!!! Already in bed!!! Asleep!!!
So that's the sensory stuff to help with traveling, and of course it's not that easy. It's going to be a long road. But when you consider almost everything we do and everyplace we go - the overload he must be feeling. We are aware and do try to avoid tricky situations, but imagine the Kindy Chaos!!!
Now lets talk behavior.
Currently we believe he is showing signs of stress and overload at kindy and at home, that we may not been watching for. Most times we catch the tail end of it when he is about to blow, or after he has burst and someone is hurt. So some of the simple steps we can do to improve his anxiety....
Rocking chair. He rocks himself to sleep, rocks in the car and will run to his room and rock if too many people are around. He does this to 'block out' all the sensory overload. So what can we do? Sit him in a rocking chair and let him rock!!!! And do it often!!!!! It clears him out to go tackle the world again.
Rough play. Although he is sensitive to touch, he does not feel pain. It's one of the Autism paradoxes. So we are to give him at least 20 mins of rough play per day. Jumping on the tramp, tickle matches etc etc.
Routine charts. Routine routine routine. This one has been drummed into us since the beginning. and yes we do have charts. I just happened to take one with me today and the Psyc loved it! Pat on the back for Mummy. But then.... Mummies balloon is about to burst... what about the reward if he completes the chart?? Damn!!!! Never thought of that!!! so.....
Reward charts. I am guessing you have all heard this one before. I have tried reward charts before with MJ (Makayla), and discussed them in great length at the PPP Stepping Stones Program. But have not put them into place for Connor. If he completes all his routine chart items we breath a sigh of relief but he does not reap a reward (except mummy is not yelling any more - hehehe). So we are going to try a reward system. Something a little different... will leave talking about that one till I have it in place.....
And as usual I come home after a 2 hour trip - and try to remember all that I was told... and can't!! That's why we have repeat visits. Talk about sensory overload - how about information overload??? lol
So we will be putting some of what we have been told into practice... and keep on one step at a time to help our little guy through :)
BTW - he is no longer vomiting!!!! Pretty sure is was the balloons....
hi Debbie have you tried industrial ear muffs cuts out the noise maybe a good thing.
hope all goes well
Christine buontempi
Thanks Christine. We knew he had sound issues but really hadn't considered the noises during driving, as us normal people don't. Since he uses the iPad in the car - we are getting head phones for it - so he can still hear his games :). But industrial earmuffs would definitely come in handy for some situations... will keep in mind :)
Hi Deb have you thought of taping the sessions just turn your voice recorder on your phone on, that way you can listen to it later when its quiet. Am sure you are doing a super human job of being mum and Connor is lucky to have you xxx Christine
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